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What felony recidivism rates might mean for you

On Behalf of | Mar 27, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Felony recidivism rates refer to the tendency for previously convicted individuals to re-offend. Currently, the state of Indiana faces a high recidivism rate that paints a grim picture of the modern prison system.

For many, incarceration becomes a revolving door, with individuals entering and exiting without breaking free from the cycle of crime. Understanding the harsh reality of recidivism emphasizes the importance of proactive measures, particularly in choosing the right defense.

Acknowledging the stacked odds

Once someone enters the prison system, the odds feel stacked against them. The latest data from the Indiana Department of Corrections shows that 29.3% of individuals released in 2019 returned to the IDOC for the commission of a new crime by 2022. This illustrates a cycle of recidivism that is not only detrimental to the individuals involved but also to society as a whole.

The reasons behind this revolving door are many. Some individuals lack the necessary support systems to successfully reintegrate into society upon release. Limited access to education, employment opportunities and stable housing often push them back into dire circumstances. Additionally, the stigma associated with having a criminal record makes it challenging for individuals to break free from their past mistakes.

Choosing defense

Given the harsh realities of the prison system, prioritizing defense becomes necessary in avoiding seemingly endless incarceration. Defense attorneys understand the complexities of the legal system. The right defense team spares no effort in advocating for their client’s rights. The right legal guidance can also make it possible to explore alternative sentencing options or rehabilitation programs.

Indiana’s current recidivism rate of nearly one in three shows that building a strong defense in the first place may be the only way to avoid the revolving door of incarceration. For those facing felony charges, it is important to not underestimate the consequences that might wait on the other side of a conviction.