Post-Conviction Remedies And Representation

Probation And Sentence Modification · Post-Conviction Violations

After a person is found guilty by a judge or jury and penalties are imposed, there are opportunities to challenge or amend the sentence. Post-conviction relief can significantly reduce the time in jail, the restrictions on your life and the impact on your future.

The criminal law practice of Sallee Law, LLC, handles the full spectrum of post-conviction work. Mr. Sallee is an experienced attorney and former prosecutor who can advise you of your options and skillfully pursue the remedies that apply in your case.

Do you qualify for post-conviction adjustments? Call us today at 317-643-5507 for a free phone consultation. We serve clients in the Indianapolis area, including Hendricks County, Boone County and Hamilton County, and statewide.

Modifying The Terms Of Your Criminal Conviction

Indiana’s new law on probation violations and modifications is more discretionary. Judges have more authority to modify sentences to help people reintegrate into society and do meaningful work rather than languishing in jail or struggling to comply with overbearing conditions of release.

will explore the post-conviction options for your scenario, including:

  • Probation and community corrections modifications — reporting requirements, restriction, home detention, work release, etc.
  • Suspended driver’s license — specialized driving privileges, ignition interlock
  • Petitions for misdemeanor sentencing — alternative misdemeanor sentencing (AMS) for qualifying felony offenders
  • Record sealing and expungement — shielding old arrest and conviction records from background checks

Modifications have the potential to help many people. We will help you demonstrate mitigating factors such as good behavior, gainful employment, successful treatment or the hardship on your children. For example, the change from prison to work release or from work release to home detention may have a profound and immediate impact on your quality of life and opportunities to support your family. Expunging your criminal record can help with everything from jobs and professional licenses to eligibility for scholarships or graduate school.

Intervening To Limit The Damage Of Post-Conviction Violations

We also represent people who get in trouble with the court after a conviction. Violating the court’s terms can trigger a jail sentence, longer suspension or probation, closer monitoring or new restrictions. If you have had a relapse or setback, Mr. Sallee can step in to minimize the consequences or request a second chance. He has experience addressing:

  • Probation violations (new crimes, failure to pay fines, failure to complete treatment, failed drug screens)
  • Community corrections violations (GPS or alcohol monitoring)
  • Sex offender registry violations (failure to report, failure to notify of change of address or employment)
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Habitual traffic violator (multiple DUIs or traffic offenses)

Knowledgeable And Compassionate Legal Counsel

At Sallee Law, LLC, we want to help you put the past in the past. Our mission is to focus on rehabilitation and recovery rather than a cycle of punishment and penalties for violations. If you need legal help to modify a sentence or mitigate the consequences, call our probation modification lawyer at 317-643-5507 or contact us online. We provide a free initial phone consultation, and you can reach us day or night, 24/7.