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What are some common circumstances that make a DUI worse?

On Behalf of | Oct 26, 2023 | DUI Defense |

Driving under the influence, otherwise known as DUI, is a serious offense that poses significant risks to individuals on the road. While any DUI is a cause for concern, certain circumstances can exacerbate the gravity of the situation.

Exploring the common aggravating factors that make a DUI worse can help you understand more about this problem.


One of the most severe consequences of a DUI is the potential for injury. When an intoxicated driver causes harm to themselves or others, the legal repercussions become far more severe.

In the eyes of the law, the act of driving under the influence transforms from a dangerous choice to a criminal act with tangible consequences. In 2019, 10,142 Americans died due to vehicle accidents that involved alcohol.

Large property damage

DUI incidents often involve collisions, and when these collisions result in substantial property damage, the situation becomes more complex. Whether it is a residential fence, a storefront or another vehicle, the extent of damage caused by an impaired driver can significantly influence the legal repercussions they face.

Presence of children

The presence of children in a vehicle during a DUI can be a game-changer. It not only endangers the lives of innocent passengers but also influences the legal consequences for the driver. Courts typically view driving under the influence with minors on board as an egregious act, warranting more severe penalties.

High blood alcohol concentration

While any level of intoxication is illegal while driving, an exceptionally high blood alcohol concentration can further worsen a DUI case. Courts often impose stricter penalties on individuals with these levels significantly above the legal limit, as it indicates a heightened level of impairment and a blatant disregard for public safety.

A DUI charge is not a one-size-fits-all offense. Understanding these factors is important for promoting safe driving habits, as well as protecting lives and preserving the well-being of communities.