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6-month Indiana investigation leads to multiple drug charges

On Behalf of | Mar 20, 2017 | Drug Charges |

Over the past six months, multiple Indiana law enforcement agencies have been working together to conduct an extensive drug investigation. The investigation led to a significant number of arrests across three counties. News reports indicate that about 75 percent of those arrested were accused of a variety of drug charges.

Several different drug-related charges were reported by authorities, including dealing in a narcotic drug, dealing in controlled substances, dealing in methamphetamine and possession of narcotics. Many of the people arrested were accused of dealing hard drugs. Police say one of them, a 56-year-old grandmother, was a heroin dealer. Another purported drug dealer was arrested for supposedly dealing drugs out of a hotel room.

Police indicate that they attempted to serve a total of 43 felony arrest warrants. However, they failed to find 15 people and were only able to serve 28 of them. The majority of people arrested were located in Johnson County, though some arrests were conducted in Marion and Morgan counties. The Franklin Police Department, Johnson County Prosecutor’s Office, Indiana State Police, Edinburgh Police Department and the U.S. Marshals Service were all involved in serving the warrants.

Following the arrests, these Indiana residents are likely looking into their defense. Depending on the charges, there could be several defense options available to those accused. An experienced Indiana criminal defense attorney could those facing drug charges better understand their rights and provide support and guidance for their particular situation. An attorney could also assist in building a strong defense geared toward achieving the best possible outcome.

Source: fox59.com, “Dozens arrested after six-month investigation into drugs in Johnson County“, Zach Myers, March 7, 2017