Retaining aggressive defense representation may be on the current to-do list of a snow-plow worker in Indiana. A recent snow event led to a need for DUI defense after he was accused of being intoxicated while operating his work vehicle. Police say the man admitted to consuming beer on duty.
The snow-plow worker reportedly crashed his vehicle into a utility pole on a recent Sunday. The impact of the collision resulted in an estimated $1,000 worth of damage to the pole. Authorities claim the man said he had been heading eastbound on the road and was just about to move a pile of snow when his truck bumped a nearby curb, causing him to lose control of his steering.
Police also say the man told them he drank at least six beers while on duty before the accident occurred. It was just before 6:30 a.m. when police were called to the scene. A full investigation has been launched, but no personal details regarding the man’s employment status were provided to the public.
An aggressive DUI defense is often crucial to avoid conviction in such circumstances. If, in fact, a driver admits to drinking alcohol while driving, the focus of the defense may shift to minimizing the potential negative impact of the situation. Depending on an individual incident, a person’s job may be at stake. It may also be difficult to secure future employment in Indiana, or elsewhere, if a driver’s license is revoked, making transportation to and from work a challenge. For these and many other reasons, it is typically best to request immediate assistance from an experienced criminal defense attorney when facing DUI charges in court.
Source:, “Highland worker accused of driving snowplow drunk“, Sarah Reese, Accessed on Dec. 20, 2016