When The Stakes Are High, Rely On Our Team’s Unwavering Commitment To Fiercely Defending Your Rights.

We Challenge The Basis For Your DUI Arrest

Blowing over the limit on a Breathalyzer is not automatically “game over.” The validity of a DUI breath test or blood sample can be challenged. Field sobriety tests and the basis for the traffic stop can be challenged. With your driving privileges, your employment and perhaps your freedom at stake, fighting the charges may be your only real option.

Sallee Law, LLC is an experienced criminal defense attorney who has tried and won DUI cases in courts throughout Indiana. He can find the weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and capitalize on those opportunities to show reasonable doubt. His strategic and aggressive approach has helped many clients avoid jail time and all the collateral consequences of a DUI conviction. (See examples of our DUI case results.)

Call us day or night for a free a consultation at 317-643-5507.

When You Need To Beat The Test

Sallee Law, LLC, represents people of all walks of life in Greater Indianapolis, including Hendricks County and all surrounding counties. We understand that a DUI conviction must be avoided if at all possible. Mr. Sallee began his career as a prosecuting attorney, where he learned how to build a case and anticipate the defenses. For the past decade, he has represented the accused, drawing on his prosecutor skills to challenge law enforcement police methods and the evidence itself.

  • He has successfully fought DUI charges on the basis of breath tests and blood tests. We hire experts to counter the state’s experts, putting the science on trial and explaining why the test may be procedurally flawed. What is the statistical margin of error? Was the test administered properly? Was the Breathalyzer correctly calibrated?
  • Sallee Law, LLC has won cases by challenging the basis for stopping, searching and roadside testing of drivers. Was there probable cause for the traffic stop? Does the dashcam video contradict the officer’s version? Did the officer improperly rely on field sobriety tests such as reciting the alphabet backward? Were you out of your vehicle when the police arrived?
  • He has defeated enhanced DUI charges that could trigger prison time such as a DUI accident resulting in serious injury or endangering a child passenger.

We Fight And Win Cases

Unlike attorneys who are quick to seek a plea deal, we examine every possible defense and prepare for trial. Contact us immediately to discuss your DUI arrest with a trial lawyer who has developed proven defense strategies for beating the tests.