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Consequences of multiple traffic violations

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2023 | Traffic Offenses |

In Indiana, traffic violations can have serious consequences. Depending on the offense, you face potential suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.

The state takes a dim view of drivers who repeatedly disregard traffic laws. Repeated traffic violations can lead to even more severe penalties.

Two minor offenses require a safety course enrollment

Indiana uses a point system for traffic violations. The values range from one to 10, with 10 being the most severe crimes. According to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, you may take a Driver Safety Program (DSP) course and remove four points from your record. However, you can only remove points every three years.

If you commit two traffic violations in one year, Indiana requires you to take a DSP course. Anyone under 21 with two violations must complete a DSP. Failure to complete a course within 90 days of a second violation will result in a suspended license.

Three major offenses might result in a 10-year suspension

The court may suspend your driver’s license if you accumulate too many traffic violations within a certain period. The length of the suspension depends on the number and severity of the violations. According to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, three major offenses in 10 years will result in a 10-year license suspension.

You may face even more severe penalties if you continue to accumulate traffic violations after license reinstatement. Causing injury or death might result in a permanent loss of your license. This severe consequence can significantly impact your life, making getting to work, school or other essential appointments challenging.

Ultimately, being a responsible driver is the key to avoiding penalties for repeated traffic violations. By obeying traffic laws and driving safely, you can protect yourself and others on the road and avoid the potential consequences of repeated traffic violations.