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Criminal defense attorney could help those facing neglect charges

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2017 | Criminal Defense |

The owner of an Indiana at-home day care and two of her employees have recently been charged with several offenses related to unsafe conditions for children. According to authorities, this is not the first time the day care and the owner have been in trouble. Though the owners has been arrested and the other two women are still at large, all three have options to handle their criminal defense.

Police stated that they investigated the day care at the request of the Department of Child Services after they had been contacted by a mother of one of the children who attended the day care. Once inside the building, authorities allegedly found multiple loaded guns and an assortment of knives within reach of the children. They also reported several bottles of alcohol strewn on the floor.

The owner of the day care has been charged with 13 counts of neglect of a dependent and 13 counts of criminal confinement. Her two employees are charged with the same offenses. Police arrested the owner, though the two employees fled and are still at large. The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration claims that the day care and the owner have faced numerous previous violations as well.

Because these women are facing a significant amount of charges against them, they are likely looking into their defense options with the help of experienced criminal defense attorneys focused on achieving optimal results. Any Indiana resident facing criminal charges may also consider speaking with an attorney. In addition to preparing a strong defense, an attorney will provide guidance and support throughout the legal proceedings.

Source: nwitimes.com, “UPDATE: Police find guns, knives, 15 children at Merrillville day care“, Steve Garrison, April 21, 2017