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2 truck drivers facing drug charges after traffic inspection

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2017 | Drug Charges |

Traffic inspections are not uncommon in Indiana. When these inspections are made, police officers might search vehicles for any suspicious items. More often than not, most drivers depart after a brief discussion with the police officer or are possibly given a warning. However, two semi-truck drivers are now facing drug charges after a recent compliance inspection performed by the Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement.

The truck driver and his passenger, a fellow truck driver, were transporting seafood across the country when the inspection was made. According to Indiana State Police, drugs were found in the cab of the truck, which prompted further investigation. Police claim that a large number of illegal drugs were found in suitcases in the cargo on the truck, including 7 pounds of marijuana, over 600 marijuana edibles, 400 pills and 20 fentanyl patches, along with other illegal drug items.

Following the investigation, both men were arrested at the scene. They were both charged with dealing marijuana over 10 pounds and possession of narcotics. Police claim that the amount of drugs and related paraphernalia recovered from the tractor-trailer was worth roughly $400,000.

Though the men were arrested, they still have several options they could pursue to help avoid conviction. Their first step in this process is retaining the services of an experienced criminal law attorney. Anyone in Indiana facing drug charges could consult an attorney to assist in determining the best course of action for a particular situation. An attorney could help those charged in building a strong defense to obtain the best possible outcome.

Source: theindychannel.com, “Two truck drivers arrested after troopers find $400K in drugs during routine stop“, Katie Cox, March 21, 2017