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Why hire an attorney when you are facing DUI or drug charges

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2017 | DUI Defense |

Being charged with a crime can be a terrifying experience, whether it is your first time or your fifth. Fortunately, everyone has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. There are many factors that go into creating a strong defense. Without the help of an attorney, you may not even know where to start, so we have a few reasons you should hire an attorney when you are facing drug or DUI charges.

Attorneys understand how evidence can be challenged

If you received a breathalyzer test that was administered incorrectly, an attorney knows how to challenge the findings. If evidence was mishandled during the investigation, an attorney also knows how to contest it and have it thrown out if possible. Lawyers know exactly what to watch for when it comes to the government handling the case appropriately, and if that does not happen, an attorney may be able to help you reduce charges.

You will not have missing paperwork

As with most other things in life, being charged with a crime comes with a huge load of paperwork. It can all be very confusing, particularly when you are already under the stress of dealing with criminal charges. While you are worried about your future, an attorney can ensure that the proper forms are filled out and filed at the appropriate time.

Attorneys have unique experience and knowledge

Most criminal defense attorneys have spent countless hours in the courtroom, studying the laws of DUI in Indiana or defending different types of cases. They understand the complex laws of Indiana in a way that only comes from years of experience, and can point out problems with your case you would never even think about. Rather than face an intimidating judge, jury or prosecutor on your own, you have a knowledgeable advocate on your side to help you deal with your charges.

They are here to represent your best interests

When you are charged with a crime, it is difficult to know who to trust and where to turn. When you hire an attorney, you can rest assured that your best interests are protected and will be represented in court. Your attorney understands when evidence has been mishandled, when charges are unfair or when you should speak or remain silent.

If you are facing criminal charges and do not know where to turn for help, seek the advice and opinion of a qualified attorney today.