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Long time employment ends, ex worker confronts criminal defense

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2017 | Criminal Defense |

A woman who worked in an Indiana county clerk’s office since 1997 is no longer employed there. She was reportedly fired from her position after being accused of theft.  As her criminal defense case unfolded, she is said to have apologized to her employer for letting her down.

The 50-year-old woman has been charged with embezzlement for stealing nearly $325,000. The thefts allegedly occurred over an extended period of time between 2005 and 2014. State police say they were alerted by discrepancies between bank deposit slips and actual monies deposited in the county clerk office’s bank account. Authorities also say the woman in question is the one who handled the deposits, thus increasing their suspicions concerning her.

Indiana authorities claim the woman also made several substantial deposits into her own personal bank account. On one occasion, a single deposit for almost $47,000 was made. At another time, more than $110,000 was deposited in one lump sum. Officials claim the woman has since apologized to her husband after being fired, admitting to him that she had, in fact, taken money that did not belong to her.

The woman was arrested, booked and released on her own recognizance on a recent Friday. Authorities say she has a health condition, which is why she was not held in jail. A criminal defense attorney is able to advise those facing similar challenges in Indiana as to what options might be available to avoid conviction, or at least lessen the severity of potential penalties if a conviction is indeed secured by prosecutors in court.

Source: jconline.com, “Clerk’s former employee accused of theft is arrested“, Ron Wilkins, Jan. 19, 2017