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Drug charges lead to arrest of Indiana veterinarian

On Behalf of | Feb 28, 2017 | Drug Charges |

Accusations of drug-related crimes can lead to not only a negative reputation, but also to severe penalties for those convicted. Working with a skilled criminal defense attorney can help those facing drug charges fight back. One Indiana veterinarian is in this situation after allegedly selling drugs to pet owners rather than administering them to the pets that he treats.

According to news reports, the veterinarian was charged with 25 drug-related crimes. Among those charges, there are 12 counts of dealing in a controlled substance and 13 counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. The court documents indicate that these alleged incidents began in Aug. 2013 and continued through Aug. 2014. The Henry County Area Drug Task Force stated that the veterinarian had been under investigation for over two years.

The charges the man faces are considered Class C and Class D felonies. Class C felony convictions typically result in a standard prison sentence of four years, while Class D felony convictions have a standard sentence of 18 months. He was released from jail on a $50,000 surety bond and a $2,500 cash bond the same day that he was arrested.

Serious charges like these can lead to harsh penalties if the accused person is convicted. Due to the high number of drug charges this man faces, he is likely consulting with an attorney to help him build a strong defense for his case. An experienced criminal defense attorney could help to clarify a person’s rights and determine the best defense for any Indiana resident facing similar drug charges.

Source: thestarpress.com, “Indiana veterinarian faces 25 drug-related felonies“, Douglas Walker, Feb. 11, 2017