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Traffic stop results in drug charges against Indiana man

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2016 | Drug Charges |

When a police officer makes a routine traffic stop in Indiana, there’s no telling what series of events may unfold. Many situations are relatively benign, with mere warnings issued and motorists sent on their merry ways after a few brief words. Other times, things are not so simple, such as in one particular incident recently where the man behind the wheel ended up facing multiple drug charges in addition to a traffic violation.

It was not long after 8 p.m. when the Chevy Camaro was pulled over by police. The driver had reportedly been driving at excessive speeds. The officer conducting the stop claims it became immediately apparent to him upon contact with the driver that he was operating his vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

The officer arrested the man at the scene. At some point, the man was allegedly found to be in possession of marijuana and hydrocodone pills. He was charged with driving more than 20 miles over the posted speed limit.

The man was also charged with a second offense of operating a motor vehicle under the influence. Other charges include possession of a controlled substance and possession of a prescribed substance not in its proper container. As in all other cases involving drug charges and/or traffic offenses in Indiana, the man in this situation will be able to present as strong a defense as possible in the hope of avoiding conviction. Often, obtaining a positive outcome in this regard hinges upon skilled and experienced guidance from a criminal defense attorney.

Source: newsdemocratleader.com, “Indiana man arrested for drugs in Logan”, Nov. 14, 2016