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Raid on Indiana home leads to drug charges

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2016 | Drug Charges |

Understandably, being accused of a crime in Indiana is serious. When drug charges are involved, there is often likelihood of severe penalties under conviction. A recent incident occurred that has resulted in several people being charged with drug-related offenses. Some are in trouble with the law just for visiting the location where the drug raid took place.

Those allegedly visiting the home that was raided by law enforcement agents now face charges for visiting a common nuisance. All told, six arrests took place after police entered the residence. Officers claim to have found at least five firearms, heroin and paraphernalia often associated with drug-related activities.

One man was placed under arrest for being a violent felon in possession of a firearm. Another person faces charges for allegedly possessing a controlled substance. Officers from a police department and deputies from a sheriff’s department combined efforts in the reported drug raid.

When drug charges are filed in Indiana, an formal criminal proceedings are activated. Before appearing in court, a defendant may discuss the situation with a criminal defense attorney. This is one way to seek clarity regarding the laws that pertain to a particular situation. In fact, there have been many cases in the past where experienced and aggressive defense assistance has helped those accused to avoid conviction and/or minimize the negative impact their situations may have otherwise had on their futures. There have also been times when Indiana defense attorneys have been able to convince the court to dismiss all charges against their clients.

Source: wlky.com, “6 people arrested in southern Indiana drug bust“, Sept. 20, 2016