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Drug charges filed against 5 men in Indiana

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2016 | Drug Charges |

Indiana police have reported finding drugs, cash and weapons following a recent raid that led to a number of arrests. Drug charges were filed after the raid, which occurred on a recent Thursday. Detectives say they conducted the recent raid on suspicion of drug trafficking following an investigation that lasted several months. 

Various items were reportedly seized during the recent search performed by law enforcement officers. More than 10 pounds of marijuana, close to $9,000 in cash, heroin and at least six firearms were said to have been confiscated. Police also claim to have found various types of drug paraphernalia typically associated with drug distribution, such as scales and packaging materials.The ages of those charged range from 25 to 41.

Officers said they upped their efforts to conduct drug investigations during a recent holiday weekend. A sweep called “Operation First  Step” led to more than 40 other arrests on suspicion of prostitution and drug-related activities earlier in the summer. The recent arrests were reportedly part of the “next step” phase of the drug investigations.

Authorities say they provided resources for community service programs to all who were recently arrested. These program opportunities are meant to help those accused obtain jobs, food assistance and housing.  Anyone facing drug charges in Indiana similar to those in this case have the right to build strong defenses through experienced guidance before attending any hearings or trials related to a particular incident. To obtain such assistance, one must simply request a meeting with a criminal defense attorney.

Source: indystar.com, “5 arrested, drugs seized in east-side raid“, Dwight Adams, Sept. 3, 2016