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Many people in Indiana indicted on drug charges

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2016 | Drug Charges |

Criminal drug activity remains problematic in many Indiana regions. Not everyone facing drug charges is convicted, however. Often, a strong defense is presented in court that leads to a dismissal of charges. One grand jury recently issued indictments against more than 30 people for various drug-related infractions.

One of those indicted was a 20-year-old male who is charged with possession of a controlled substance, several counts of trafficking a controlled substance, possession of marijuana and other drug offenses. Another 49-year-old male faces similar charges, in addition to a charge for driving on a revoked/suspended license. Several people among those recently indicted were as young as 19. 

Obviously, the more charges one is facing, the higher the chances of incurring severe penalties if convicted. Depending on the seriousness of a particular situation, such penalties may include time in prison and substantial monetary fines. Many have been able to avoid severe repercussions by allowing experienced attorneys to present vigorous defenses on their behalves.

There are also many incidents in which defense counsel is able to obtain a dismissal of all charges against a client before the case ever goes to trial. The same grand jury that recently indicted more than 30 people in Indiana also dismissed two cases. One involved a 31-year-old male and the other a 32-year-old female. Both were facing first-degree drug charges for possession of controlled substances. Those who believe accusations against them are without merit, or anyone with other concerns regarding drug-related offenses, may request consultations with criminal defense attorneys in the area for guidance.

Source: thegleaner.com, “Grand Jury for Aug. 6“, Aug. 5, 2016