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Vehicle inspection leads to drug charges in Indiana

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2016 | Drug Charges |

One type of event often leads to another when it comes to traffic stops or commercial vehicle inspections in Indiana. On a recent Thursday, an incident took place that resulted in drug charges against three persons. They were occupants in a commercial vehicle that was undergoing a routine inspection when officers became suspicious.

The three people, ages 25, 26 and 30, are all being held in a Putnam County jail. It was just after 4 p.m. on a recent Thursday when the commercial box truck in which they were traveling was pulled over by police. The reason for the traffic stop apparently had to do with obstructing the flow of traffic. The commercial vehicle enforcement officer said that while he was speaking to the three occupants of the truck, he began to suspect them of possible illegal activities. 

At some point, the vehicle was searched by authorities. Police say they seized various types of drugs from the truck, including mushrooms, cocaine and marijuana. They also say they found more than $300 in cash and various types of paraphernalia commonly associated with drug use.

The commercial truck involved in the incident was reportedly registered in California. The three now facing drug charges in Indiana were said to be traveling to music events in different areas, providing audio-visual services. In addition to the impending drug charges, they were also cited for Federal Motor Carrier violations. When multiple suspects are arrested for the same incident, each is able to choose an experienced criminal lawyer as representation in court.

Source: Fox 59, “Traffic stop in Putnam County nets large bust of mushrooms, meth and pot“, Bill Remeika, June 3, 2016